miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2008


When I first had a Wacom Tablet in front of me I thought "I will never master this beast"...today I looked at this picture imade entirely, 100% with my tablet. No Scanning, no doodling on paper. It started and finished with te tablet.
I can't help it! I'm actually feeling proud of myself.
All it took was a litlle courage to learn. Now I know there's no such thing as difficult. Only 'Unfamiliar'.
Just Dare!

sábado, 13 de septiembre de 2008

Once Upon a Time

...to achieve the "Children's Story Book" look the only thing you needed was to know your watercolors and have a strong sense of composition.
Here I used wateercolors and some color pencils for touch-ups.

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2008

COMICS are Tales for Grown-Ups -Stan Lee

Ah, Comics... What a great source of exitement and inspiration. Not only is storytelling at it's best but it is also the kind of reading that tells you what is it that you really want in life. That's right. Comicbooks can touch you THAT deep.

This picture here depicts the three main characters of the title that became the undisputed center of my glorious second re-encounter with comics.

Mark Millar and Brian Hitch's THE ULTIMATES not only made me see that 21st century comics now had a great concern for the story and an enourmous care for the artwork but also can bring a lot of fun in them for us readers.

You thought you outgrew Comics?

Go check MARVEL Comics' THE ULTIMATES by Millar & Hitch

then think again.

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2008

Cast of Charactes

Sometimes we get the chance to make character design for all kinds of needs. We can make characters that interact with real-life people but sometimes you need to see them in their own world, interacting with friends and family and even if you do that there's no guarantee that the end result will be what they expect. Here I made a whole cast for an unused project.


This is an original double-page spread I made for the First Issue of our local independent design and arts magazine named LENGUA[link]It is the only of it's kind right now where novel dominican artists can showcase their work while it can somehow be linked to the issue's premise. Other than that everything goes.We will work hard to keep the comic art section a permanent staple on the magazine. In fact I want it to outgrow into it's own publication someday down the line.So every dominican artist that would like to showcase their comic work, now there's a real magazine to do so. Just contact me and hopefully the world will be watching.Let's show the world we can!

domingo, 27 de julio de 2008

Panam 2003. my Gold Winner

Back in 2002 my sister and my mother showed me call for entries with an already closing deadline.

For the 2003 Pan American Games, the local organizers needed a mascot. The catch was that it had to be a manatee. Why? Because manatees are endangered species on our island and they wanted to create awareness about them.

To turn one of the least graceful of creatures on earth into a Sport Athlete was not an easy task.

So I didn’t. I took a manatee, put him in the role and I saw that he could be great in some sports while lacking in others. It is hard to believe in flawless characters.

This honest approach seemed to be the favorite of the organizing board and thus he became the first winner of the 2003 Pan American Games.
They even made the Game's trophies based on the image I made of him carrying the torch.

My mother and sister keep the trophy I got for him.

domingo, 29 de junio de 2008

Getting on YOUR eye

To catch the attention of potential clients, the method of self-promotion has found in the postcards a very valuable tool to be used by those who want to be noticed. However the collectible value of the postcard itself is what makes them risky sometimes. you can't choose the person who will be interested in the card or even know if it will reach your 'target' but...once you get a single person to notice your work and take it home, then the hardest part of the job is essentially done.