miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2008

sábado, 13 de septiembre de 2008
Once Upon a Time
jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2008
COMICS are Tales for Grown-Ups -Stan Lee

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2008
Cast of Charactes


domingo, 27 de julio de 2008
Panam 2003. my Gold Winner

Back in 2002 my sister and my mother showed me call for entries with an already closing deadline.
For the 2003 Pan American Games, the local organizers needed a mascot. The catch was that it had to be a manatee. Why? Because manatees are endangered species on our island and they wanted to create awareness about them.
To turn one of the least graceful of creatures on earth into a Sport Athlete was not an easy task.
So I didn’t. I took a manatee, put him in the role and I saw that he could be great in some sports while lacking in others. It is hard to believe in flawless characters.
This honest approach seemed to be the favorite of the organizing board and thus he became the first winner of the 2003 Pan American Games.
They even made the Game's trophies based on the image I made of him carrying the torch.
My mother and sister keep the trophy I got for him.
domingo, 29 de junio de 2008
Getting on YOUR eye

To catch the attention of potential clients, the method of self-promotion has found in the postcards a very valuable tool to be used by those who want to be noticed. However the collectible value of the postcard itself is what makes them risky sometimes. you can't choose the person who will be interested in the card or even know if it will reach your 'target' but...once you get a single person to notice your work and take it home, then the hardest part of the job is essentially done.