viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Cooling down things

After all has been said about the infamous Milo Manara  SPIDER_WOMAN # 1 Cover I think is time to cool things down with, of all things, a noble and altruistic Icebucket challenge. A bit titillating perhaps but maybe it is meant to leave things behind.

lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014


Do you remember that commercial where a Living Cactus only wanted to fit in? Before all that awesome CGI and a really really good actor who actually performed every scene, it all started with a sketch.


Profile Icons are the best excuse to have your face turned into a vintage Clip Art cartoon. Not everyone needs this but some personalities are definitely meant to have one of these.

martes, 14 de enero de 2014


I must admit that AMC's THE WALKING DEAD is currently my favorite TV show and that's why the "Michonne" character was the pefect excuse to make this Tablet drawing practice.
I wasn't aiming for realism since I had no photo reference o the actress who plays her but this is the result.